Category: CEBS (Certified Employee Benefit Specialist)

What’s Your CEBS Story? Dottie Dykstra, CEBS

Earning your CEBS® designation is a learning journey. Along the way, you acquire valuable employee benefits knowledge and relevant new skills. As you apply what you’ve learned to your work, you can forge a unique career pathway that …

What’s Your CEBS Story? Andrew Burgess, CEBS

Earning your CEBS® designation is a learning journey. Along the way, you acquire valuable employee benefits knowledge and relevant new skills. As you apply what you’ve learned to your work, you can forge a unique career pathway that …

Course Corner: Canadian GBA 1 Revisions

As the employee benefits industry evolves, the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist® (CEBS®) curriculum is updated to reflect this reality. The Canadian GBA 1 course has been fully revised to meet the changing group benefit plans landscape. This new …

Meet Your U.S. CEBS Instructor: Elizabeth McBurney, CEBS

There’s something about fall that makes us all want to go back to school.  Would you like to feel prepared to take your next CEBS® exam by the end of the year?  Get motivated to learn with CEBS …

Meet Your Canadian CEBS Instructor: Brian Will, CEBS

There’s something about fall that makes us all want to go back to school. Would you like to feel prepared to take your next CEBS® exam by the end of the year? Get motivated to learn with CEBS Online Study …

Three Tips to Study Smarter

Create Good Habits for CEBS® Success Are you in a time crunch? That’s okay! You still have time to learn today. Choose a study tool from your CEBS Online Study Group that fits your time budget. 1. Do you have just …

What is your CEBS Story? Bradley Churchill, CEBS

Earning your CEBS designation is a learning journey. Along the way, you acquire valuable employee benefits knowledge and relevant new skills. As you apply what you’ve learned to your work, you can forge a unique career pathway that is truly …

What’s Your CEBS Story? Christine Sebranek, CEBS

Earning your CEBS designation is a learning journey. Along the way, you acquire valuable employee benefits knowledge and relevant new skills. As you apply what you’ve learned to your work, you can forge a unique career pathway that is …

Meet Your Canadian CEBS Instructor: Patricia Noble, CEBS

Would you like to feel prepared to write your next CEBS® exam by the end of summer? Get started and stay on track with CEBS Online Study Groups! Many CEBS candidates rely on CEBS Online Study Groups With …

Meet Your US CEBS Instructor: Elizabeth Allen, CEBS

Would you like to feel prepared to take your next CEBS® exam by the end of summer? Get started and stay on track with CEBS Online Study Groups! Many CEBS candidates rely on CEBS Online Study Groups With …