Updated on November 22, 2022
ISCEBS Membership–Say Yes to ISCEBS!

Working with the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists for my entire tenure, I have worked with many members in a variety of capacities. But before the stories, let me tell you about ISCEBS!
The Society (we go by all three names, but most often “The Society” or “ISCEBS”) is the professional organization for CEBS graduates and students. Society members come from all industries and professions throughout North America. We are an incredibly diverse group of benefits professionals who either hold or are pursuing the CEBS designation.
Why should you say yes and join ISCEBS? What’s in it for you? Simple answer: a lot!
Say Yes to the Benefits
The Society and our community of local chapters offer a bevy of benefits, services and opportunities. The benefits and services are what you might expect from an organization: free webcasts, unlimited information requests to our research library, discounts on purchases, members-only discussion forums and more. But it’s the opportunities you should be really interested in! Let me explain.
Similar challenges and similar resolutions
Picture it: You’re sitting at an educational conference and your tablemate strikes up a conversation about the topic you’ll be hearing about. Through the conversation, you learn you both work in the same geographic region, know the same groups and are facing similar challenges. Before the end of the session, you have exchanged information and are planning a joint education event with your two organizations.
That happened to two attendees at the 2022 ISCEBS Employee Benefits Symposium.

Local leadership opportunities
A unique aspect of ISCEBS is our community of local chapters. More than 40 local chapters throughout the United States and Canada provide not only specialized education focusing on regional benefit issues, they also provide volunteer leadership opportunities.
Picture it: You’re a new CEBS graduate and looking for “whatever comes next.” You get a call (or email) from a local CEBS professional congratulating you on your designation and inviting you to come to a local event. You think “what the heck, why not?” and you go. When you get there, you get congratulated so much you start to lose count. The education offered is truly great; it’s not a sales pitch and you can already see how a couple of the strategies could fit into your organization. You hear about the next event and pencil it into your calendar. When you attend the next event, the chapter president mentions the need for volunteers. You think about it but aren’t sure if it’s for you. You see a person you met at the first event, and they ask you if you’re interested in volunteering. You ask some questions and learn a little more about it. You decide to take the leap and volunteer to start out on a committee.
Not only does your personal and professional contact list grow, but you’re also organizing meetings and events and you’re able to leverage that info your professional life. Your boss is impressed with your initiative and you two begin talking about career moves and options.
All because you said “yes” to help a local chapter.
Personal connections = professional enhancements
The Society’s annual education event, the ISCEBS Employee Benefits Symposium, has been described by attendees as “a family reunion” that adds new family members every year. Attendees come from all 50 states, the Canadian provinces and some foreign countries. Attendees mingle at mealtimes, at receptions and during session breaks. You get to know not only the person sitting next to you at session but the person eating lunch with you.
Picture it: You meet someone from another country. While your businesses likely don’t overlap much (if at all) they are pretty awesome, and you connect on a personal level. You exchange information and keep in touch after the Symposium.
Now imagine your role at work changes. Maybe you’re a Canadian benefits professional who now has to administer benefits to a U.S. workforce. Maybe you’re a U.S. benefits professional whose company was acquired by a firm in Germany, and you need to pivot and work with a global workforce. Where do you even BEGIN to start with these situations?
Then you remember your friend from the Symposium. That friend who has experience in this area. Or maybe they know someone who does. So you reach out, and within ten minutes and one phone call you have a solid action plan in place.
Say Yes to Investing in Yourself
The benefits of joining the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists are numerous and extend far beyond the services offered by ISCEBS. See for yourself and say yes to ISCEBS. Join today.

Jennifer Mathe, CEBS Compliant
Director, Member Services
International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists