Updated on March 3, 2021
Congratulations to The Newest CEBS® Graduates!

View the full list of 131 new CEBS graduates and see if you recognize any of your colleagues. Be sure to congratulate the graduates you know with a personal message or shout-out on social media using #CEBSGoals. Earning your CEBS designation is a great accomplishment, and it feels even better when it’s recognized by others.
Congrats to the newest CEBS grads!
Valerie B. Actkins, CEBS
Steve K. Alexander, CEBS
Jennifer Alvarez Holmberg, CEBS
Berk Atillasoy, CEBS
Emily L. Bailey, CEBS
Mika Barnett-Ohori, CEBS
Melissa Lee Beber, CEBS
Devon Bellamy, CEBS
Suzanne Berlin, CEBS
Martin Bishop, CEBS
Brian J. Blazek, CEBS
Colleen Block, CEBS
Rebecca Borsuck, CEBS
Carolyn Bourg, CEBS
Shirley A. Bourgeault, CEBS
Shane T. Burke, CEBS
Ashley Burke, CEBS
Kenneth Glenn Cantley, CEBS
Lydia Caraveo, CEBS
Iyaseli Castorena, CEBS
Natalie C. Chandler, CEBS
Matthew Chee, CEBS
Charles Chronis, CEBS
Jordan Cohen, CEBS
Patricia Coulton, CEBS
Kevin B. Davis, CEBS
Evgeniia Davis, CEBS
Sampath Deva, CEBS
Joshua Discher, CEBS
Huyen Do, CEBS
Sherrie S. Edwards, CEBS
Mary Fecko, CEBS
Andrew M. Fiederlein, CEBS
Sharon K. Foster, CEBS
Kate L. Gaal , CEBS
Viktoria Garber, CEBS
Mary Garvey, CEBS
Isabel Gomez, CEBS
Bradley Hanovich, CEBS
Trever Hansen, CEBS
Monica Harding, CEBS
Susan Hargrove, CEBS
Jill E. Hays, CEBS
Karen Hedrick, CEBS
Kara Hickie, CEBS
Linda R. Hoffman, CEBS
Sharie Hyder, CEBS
Jamee Johnson, CEBS
Michelle Kazazic, CEBS
Brandon M. Kenish, CEBS
Joseph F. Kern, CEBS
Bo Kyung Kim, CEBS
Roxanne E. Kolev, CEBS
Rebecca Krell, CEBS
Collin J. Krug, CEBS
Ryan Kuryla, CEBS
Sylvia Kwong, CEBS
Kyle T. Lagonegro, CEBS
Robert J. Laino, CEBS
Michelle Landrum, CEBS
Bryon Langenfeld, CEBS
Logan Larson, CEBS
Kimberly L. Lawrence, CEBS
Caitlin Leidy, CEBS
Jessica A. Levy, CEBS
Mike Litchenstein, CEBS
Madison Luchi, CEBS
Kari Luehmann, CEBS
Katy Macik, CEBS
Erika MacLaren, CEBS
Daniel Maloney, CEBS
Matthew R. Manzo, CEBS
Francene A. Marra, CEBS
Meredith Matisoff, CEBS
Reena T. Medina, CEBS
Mike Melles, CEBS
Jim Mendoza, CEBS
Amy Moreno, CEBS
Leeann Murphy, CEBS
Taylor Nervo, CEBS
Gayla E. Nesbitt, CEBS
Jamie Kirby Norton, CEBS
Amy Notermann, CEBS
Emily Oglesby, CEBS
Sarah A. Padgett, CEBS
Dionisia Papafote, CEBS
Andrea Paquin, CEBS
Joseph S. Park, CEBS
Molly Paskar, CEBS
Rachel Elaine Phipps, CEBS
Brett A. Pinson, CEBS
Jennifer Poland, CEBS
Laurie Ragusa, CEBS
Jessica Rallo, CEBS
David M. Ray, CEBS
Pamela Reed, CEBS
Brian D. Rhame, CEBS
Joanne M. Rich, CEBS
Lorie C. Robertson, CEBS
Kelly Rossi, CEBS
Ann Roth, CEBS
Matthew Sanborn, CEBS
James C. Scarborough, CEBS
Karla L. Schaefer, CEBS
Rita Shah, CEBS
Amina Shaiza, CEBS
Sudha Smith , CEBS
Katherine Starr, CEBS
Donna Stenz, CEBS
Kimberly Stewart, CEBS
Joe Struck, CEBS
Toni Marie Sutliff, CEBS
Destiny D. Talley, CEBS
Somer Taylor, CEBS
Chalon M. Temple, CEBS
Crystal G. Thomas, CEBS
Nadia X. Traian, CEBS
Dawn M. Trumps, CEBS
Sharon A. Tylus, CEBS
Robert A. Van Schie, CEBS
Christine Vink, CEBS
Christian N. Walser, CEBS
Teri S. Westra, CEBS
Michael Wilcher, CEBS
Lauren Nicole Wiley, CEBS
Alesha Wilhite, CEBS
Andrew Willis, CEBS
Kathryn M. Winkler, CEBS
Lauren Zastrow, CEBS
Jill A. Ziegelbauer, CEBS
Now picture yourself on this list! Continue on your journey to earning your CEBS designation.
Do you need guidance on your CEBS journey? Whether you’re about to take your first step or you’re getting close to reaching your designation, we’re here to help! Give us a call at (800) 449-2327, option 3 or e-mail [email protected].