Create Good Habits for CEBS® Success

Three Tips to Study Smarter

It’s important to be able to keep track of all the legislation that has shaped benefit plans. Here are some tips for creating a timeline to help you retain this information for your Certified Employee Benefit Specialist® (CEBS) exam.

1. Draw a box for each piece of legislation that has been enacted.  Write the name of the law and the year it was passed inside the box.

2. Above each box, take note of the legal and economic climate at the time each law was passed.  Why was the law enacted?  What was happening in the benefits industry at that time?

3. Add several bullet points under each box describing the effect of the legal change.

Check out additional study tips from CEBS grads in the video below!

Do you need guidance on your CEBS journey? Whether you’re about to take your first step or getting close to earning your designation, we’re here to help! For assistance with the U.S. curriculum, give us a call at (800) 449-2327, option 3, or email [email protected]. To learn more about the Canadian curriculum, contact us at (833) 886-3749 or [email protected].